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On-Demand DEMO Video

Master Employee Offboarding

Employee transitions often lead to challenges in maintaining access control, with offboarding tasks being manual and prone to errors.

Over 30% of ex-employees still have access to SaaS tools after leaving. Transform this process with automated and secure offboarding reporting to eliminate license waste and company risk.

  • Tackle employee offboarding: Learn to overcome cost inefficiencies and compliance roadblocks.
  • Put an end to shared account chaos: Gain strategies to manage and secure accounts during employee transitions.
  • Defeat shadow IT: Discover techniques to detect and govern unmanaged apps that pose risks to your organization’s data security.
  • Harness automation: Simplify role changes and list management through intelligent automation.
  • Eliminate lost license spend: Master the art of deprovisioning to prevent unnecessary expenditure on unused software licenses.