Start a free trial of Auvik’s Network Management software

Setup takes less than 15 minutes and you will see results in an hour.

laptop with Auvik software

Start your 14-day free trial

Not ready to deploy? Book a demo with an expert

How a free trial of network management can can help you

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the network

Get true network visibility and control with our real-time, automatically updating maps.

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Speed up troubleshooting

Automated device documentation and config backups mean all of your information is in one place.

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Get ahead of network issues

Our out-of-box alerting has 50+ customizable options so you know whenever something changes.

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Reduce on-site visits by your team

Access networks remotely, make command line changes, and more, without leaving your desk.

Not ready for a free trial of network management?

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Learn more about network management

Automate repetitive, admin tasks. Manage inventory, configure backups, and access remote devices effortlessly.

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Sign up for access to our sandbox

With 50+ out-of-the-box alerts and a real-time network map, you can identify issues faster.

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Watch a guided tour

You can map large networks in minutes and use over 50 out-of-the-box alerts to be up and running straight away.

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Attend a live Auvik demo

Auvik helps you secure devices, identify a network breach, and even take control of your shadow IT.