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Tech Industry

What’s in a Name? “Network Specialist” vs. “Network Engineer”

Network engineers design networks, while network specialists or technicians maintain these networks. Learn more about these IT roles & how they compar
Author: Ryan LaFlamme
Tech Industry

Auvik is Doomed

If an Atari 800 is what got me into computers, then it was DOOM that got me into networking. Sounds strange right? But prior to DOOM (1993), I had no
Author: Lawrence Popa
Sales Engineer, Auvik
Network Management

The Auvik Guide to Figuring Out What’s Hogging Your Bandwidth

Knowing how to tell what users and devices are using high levels of your network bandwidth is key to proper management. Learn everything you need here
Author: Ryan LaFlamme
Network Management

Using DNS Filtering to your Advantage

DNS filtering is the use of DNS to block or allow access to specific content through the use of DNS requests. While technically you can use DNS filter
Author: Steve Petryschuk
Director & Tech Evangelist, Auvik
Network Management

Your Guide to IP Address Management

IPAM (IP address management) is critical software to help ensure seamless connectivity and much more. Learn what it is and how it can help your networ
Author: Steve Petryschuk
Director & Tech Evangelist, Auvik
Network Management

Preventing Firmware Attacks

Firmware attacks are on the rise. Learn how to defend and prevent firmware hacking.
Author: Destiny Bertucci
Network Management

What’s the Difference Between Observability vs. Monitoring?

Monitoring tells you when something is wrong, while observability provides you context as to why. Let’s look at how they work together to optimize you
Author: Destiny Bertucci
Tech Industry

Going Online Like it’s 1979: The Atari 800

Classic gear, like the Atari 800, is going through a modern day renaissance. For our test, let’s see if it can connect to a modern day network!
Author: Lawrence Popa
Sales Engineer, Auvik
Configuration & Troubleshooting

What is Network Optimization? 8 Reliable Techniques

Maintaining an optimized network requires a set of tools and techniques to ensure efficient bandwidth management, latency, and network load management
Author: Steve Petryschuk
Director & Tech Evangelist, Auvik
Protocols & Communication

The What and The Why of TLS Inspection

Let’s look at what the process of a secure connection through TLS entails, how it can be used to see past “invisible traffic” and help your firewall
Author: Steve Petryschuk
Director & Tech Evangelist, Auvik

What’s your shadow IT risk factor?

Find out in this free guide and exercise kit.
cover of shadow IT ebook
You will learn:
  • The impact shadow IT has on an organization
  • How to evaluate tools
  • Tips on security
  • A quiz to help you determine the severity of shadow IT in your org
  • Solutions to solve these problems