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Tech Industry

Going Online Like it’s 1989: Using an Atari Portfolio as a Terminal Emulator

Oops! You messed up. Big time. You’re working on a network device, making some major configuration changes. As soon as you hit enter, you lose communi
Author: Lawrence Popa
Sales Engineer, Auvik
Network Management

Proactive Healthcare Network Monitoring: The Importance of Early Detection

Healthcare IT is simultaneously one of the most complex and sensitive networking systems there are. Aside from the wealth of confidential data they pr
Author: Lemna Manoharan
Network Management

Embracing Shadow IT (Video)

Shadow IT. Many IT pros shudder at the term. For those who may not be familiar, shadow IT refers to the devices, systems, and applications on your net
Author: Alex Hoff
Careers Blog

Our Engineering Tech Stack and How it Evolves

Rob Bredin, Auvik’s Technical Director, shares how our tech stack is always evolving, and what kind of challenges you’ll work on as an Auvik engineer.
Author: Archana Arunan
Network Management

Regex 101 for Network Admins

Regex—short for regular expressions—is a way to describe a search pattern. They can be used to find a text pattern or string (character sequence) with
Author: Lawrence Popa
Sales Engineer, Auvik

The Auvik Network Device Buyer’s Guide

Buying the right network devices is an essential part of network design, and can have an impact throughout the network lifecycle. Get it right, and yo
Author: Ryan LaFlamme
Configuration & Troubleshooting

Network Configuration Management: The Benefits & Importance

Configuration management is one of those network management topics people often neglect. Here’s why you shouldn’t.
Author: Kevin Dooley
IT Leadership

When End Users Attack: Tips for Fixing a Hostile Work Environment

IT service roles will never be “stress-free”. The nature of break-fix work for critical systems inherently comes with the job. However, toxic work env
Author: Rebecca Grassing
Product Marketing Manager, Auvik
Careers Blog

Meet Our International Engineering Team

The pandemic made us rethink how we work. We’re committed to a distributed work model and growing our engineering team across the world. Learn what yo
Author: Taylor Walker
Network Management

What is ITAM? Guide to IT Asset Management

In the business world, information technology (IT) is everything. Without it, companies would struggle to keep track of their data and operations. How
Author: Steve Petryschuk
Director & Tech Evangelist, Auvik

What’s your shadow IT risk factor?

Find out in this free guide and exercise kit.
cover of shadow IT ebook
You will learn:
  • The impact shadow IT has on an organization
  • How to evaluate tools
  • Tips on security
  • A quiz to help you determine the severity of shadow IT in your org
  • Solutions to solve these problems