♫ ♩ ♪ ♩ Sing along if the spirit moves you.
On the first day of networking my true love gave to me…
A Darth Vader in a Christmas tree
On the second day of networking my true love gave to me…
2 nerdy sweaters
And a Darth Vader in a Christmas tree.
On the third day of networking my true love gave to me…
3 hotspots
2 nerdy sweaters
And a Darth Vader in a Christmas tree
On the fourth day of networking my true love gave to me…
On the fifth day of networking my true love gave to me…
5 neeetwoooork maaaaaps
4 tiny screwdrivers
3 hotspots
2 nerdy sweaters
And a Darth Vader in a Christmas tree.
On the sixth day of networking my true love gave to me…
6 crimpers crimping
5 neeetwoooork maaaaaps
4 tiny screwdrivers
3 hotspots
2 nerdy sweaters
And a Darth Vader in a Christmas tree.
On the seventh day of networking my true love gave to me…
7 chargers charging
6 crimpers crimping
5 neeetwoooork maaaaaps
4 tiny screwdrivers
3 hotspots
2 nerdy sweaters
And a Darth Vader in a Christmas tree.
On the eighth day of networking my true love gave to me…
8 espressos brewing
7 chargers charging
6 crimpers crimping
5 neeetwoooork maaaaaps
4 tiny screwdrivers
3 hotspots
2 nerdy sweaters
And a Darth Vader in a Christmas tree.
On the ninth day of networking my true love gave to me…
9 servers blinking
8 espressos brewing
7 chargers charging
6 crimpers crimping
5 neeetwoooork maaaaaps
4 tiny screwdrivers
3 hotspots
2 nerdy sweaters
And a Darth Vader in a Christmas tree.
On the tenth day of networking my true love gave to me…
10 gigs a-gigging
9 servers blinking
8 espressos brewing
7 chargers charging
6 crimpers crimping
5 neeetwoooork maaaaaps
4 tiny screwdrivers
3 hotspots
2 nerdy sweaters
And a Darth Vader in a Christmas tree.
On the eleventh day of networking my true love gave to me…
11 zip ties zipping
10 gigs a-gigging
9 servers blinking
8 espressos brewing
7 chargers charging
6 crimpers crimping
5 neeetwoooork maaaaaps
4 tiny screwdrivers
3 hotspots
2 nerdy sweaters
And a Darth Vader in a Christmas tree.
On the twelfth day of networking my true love gave to me…
12 tickets closing
11 zip ties zipping
10 gigs a-gigging
9 servers blinking
8 espressos brewing
7 chargers charging
6 crimpers crimping
5 neeetwoooork maaaaaps
4 tiny screwdrivers
3 hotspots
2 nerdy sweaters
And a ….. Daaaaarth Vaaaaderrrrr… in aaaaaa… Chriiiiisstmas treeeeeeee.
Happy holidays!